Article i. Name and Acronym

The name of this association shall be the Georgia Tech Academic Advisors Network. The official acronym of this association shall be GTAAN.

Article ii. Purpose

GTAAN was created as means of improving and guiding the delivery of advising services at The Georgia Institute of Technology. A primary goal is to provide academic advisors professional development, peer support, and ultimately building a network of resources to enhance student success in college. Equally important is the communication with the larger university community.

Article iii. Membership

All Georgia Tech employees in the role of academic advisor to Georgia Tech students shall be full members of GTAAN. Full members can vote and run for office. The GTAAN Executive Board will oversee the election process. Voting can be held in a manner deemed appropriate by the  Executive Board (e.g., in person, electronically). A majority of members participating is necessary for a vote to be official.

Article iv. Affiliation

GTAAN is affiliated with the office of the Vice-Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies. GTAAN will also be affiliated with the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

Article v. Meetings of Membership
Section 1.

The membership shall meet monthly at least four times in the spring semester and at least four times in the fall semester, at scheduled times as determined by the calendar devised by the Executive Board. It shall be the responsibility of the Vice President of Operations and Assessment  to draft and prepare minutes and record official sessions of GTAAN. Special interest meetings of the membership shall be held with the approval of the Executive Committee. The President is responsible for the preparation of the agenda with the advice and approval of the Executive Board. Individuals shall submit agenda items to the Executive Board in advance of the meeting.

Section 2.

The Executive Board shall meet once a month prior to the full GTAAN meeting. Meetings shall be run in general accordance with the Robert's Rule of Order (see Appendix A).

Article vi. Officers

The Executive Board of GTAAN shall be comprised of the President, Vice President of Communication and Networking, Vice President of Engagement, Vice President of Training and Development Vice President of Operations and Assessment, and the Director of Academic Advising. The GTAAN President and Vice Presidents shall be elected by a plurality of the voting members by official electronic ballot. All positions are for a two-year term, running January of the first year to December of the second year. Elections will be held in the spring semester before the first year of the new term is to begin. Newly elected officers begin transitioning into their roles once the annual summer executive board retreat begins (usually in June/July). July-December will serve as a transitional/shadowing period for the outgoing and incoming Executive Boards. Below is an example of what this looks like:

January 2016 to December 2017: Official Term of Executive Board 1

March/April 2017: Nominations & Election Process for Board 2

Summer/Fall 2017: Transitional/Shadowing Period for Executive Board 1 AND 2

January 2018 to December 2019: Official Term of Executive Board 2

March/April 2019: Nominations & Election Process for Board 3

Summer/Fall 2019: Transitional/Shadowing Period for Executive Board 2 AND 3

January 2019 to December 2020: Official Term of Executive Board 3

In the absence of the President: In the event that the President of GTAAN can no longer fulfill his or her duties, the remaining members of the Executive Board must elect a new President from its (the Board's) existing members. Voting will be held in a manner deemed appropriate by the remaining members of the Executive Board and presented to the GTAAN membership.

In the absence of a Vice President: In the event that a Vice President can no longer fulfill his or her duties, a replacement shall be elected by a plurality of the voting members by official electronic ballot. That individual will serve the rest of the current term.

A. President

Responsible for running the general GTAAN meetings. Provides the agenda for and facilitates officers' meetings to plan and discuss upcoming projects and events; involves members in committees and delegates responsibilities and. Keeps lists of objectives and establishes regular meeting times for GTAAN. Assists in program planning and represents GTAAN when the occasion arises. Assists in maintaining up-to-date information on the GTAAN website. Provides orientation and turns over all materials to successor.

B. Vice President of Operations and Assessment

Responsible for coordinating plans and executes the programs for monthly GTAAN general meetings. After each monthly GTAAN meeting the Vice President of Assessment conducts a survey focusing on a topic of importance to all advisors. Responsible for record keeping of meeting materials and minutes. Provides orientation and turns over all materials to successor.

C. Vice President of Engagement

Responsible for intentional outreach to grown advisor engagement. Responsible for connecting with new advisors on campus. Responsible for semester events to promote engagement outside of monthly GTAAN meetings. Provide orientation and turns over all materials to successor.

D. Vice President of Communications

Responsible for university communications including announcements and reminders of GTAAN meetings, and for getting updated information and changes to GTAAN website. Helps with maintaining the Canvas and GTAAN e-mail distribution list. Provides orientation and turns over all materials to successor.

E. Vice President of Training and Development

Responsible for organizing and promoting training and development for GTAAN community. Responsible for gathering information to connect advisors to NACADA and other conference events for professional development. Support Vice President of Engagement in new advisor engagement. Provides orientation and turns over all materials to successor.

F. The Facilitator

Will be a member of Undergraduate Studies, specifically,  The Director of Academic Advising or designee. The Facilitator is responsible for assisting and enabling undergraduate academic advising, serves as the liaison between GTAAN and the office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies, and provides general support and input.

Article vii. Committees

All committees shall be ad hoc and, as such, be formed by GTAAN active membership when such need arises. The process regarding the selection of each committee chair will be determined by the executive board.

Article viii. Amendments

Any amendment to the by-laws of GTAAN must be ratified by a majority vote of the active membership. Voting can be held in a manner deemed appropriate by the Executive Board (e.g., in person, electronically).